“공공 장애인 건강검진기관이 필요해요”

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“공공 장애인 건강검진기관이 필요해요”

직장인이면 누구나2년에 한번씩 받는 건강검진
장애인은 얼마나 받고 있을까요?


장애인 편의시설과 검진장비 갖춘 기관 만나기가 하늘에 별따기
현재 운영중인 장애친화 건강검진기관 전국에5개(수도권1개뿐)

문재인 정부의 목표
제5차 장애인정책종합계획(2018~2022)
장애인 건강검진기관2022년까지100개소 만들기

– 2년간(2018-2019년)장애친화 건강검진기관30개소 지정 계획→실제 지정은16개소 목표 달성율53.3%
– 2019년에만33.4%예산 불용
-보건복지부 올해만6번째 공모에도 응모 병원 저조…
-계획은 슬그머니2024년까지100개소로 연장 변경

의료기관:인력,시설,장비 기준 까다로워 외면
정부:현장의견 청취중,관련 연구용역도 못했다


목표 달성 어려운 문재인정부의 장애친화 건강검진기관
“지금 방식으로는 안돼요”

장애인 건강검진기관 권역별 지정제로 공공성 강화
-권역별 재활병원,지방의료원 등 거점 공공병원 활용17개 시·도에 우선 지정
공공 장애인 건강검진기관과 민간 장애친화 검진기관의 구분
-민간 검진기관은 장애유형별 특화 기준 갖춰 검진할 수 있도록 지원

장애인 건강격차 줄이기
여려분의 더 좋은 의견을 들려주세요

Reducing the health examination rate gap for PwD

Why do PwD need a public health examination institution?
All workers, especially a mandatory, have a schedule to their health check up every two years in Korea.

I.How about are PwD receiving the medical service?
1.Total PwD are 63.9% and non-disabled are 75.9%, then the gap is 12.0%
2.Severe PwD are 52.3%, then the gap is 23.6%.

II.Moon’s administration pledged in the 5th Comprehensive Plan for Disability Policy (2018-2022)
1.100 health examination institutions for PwD by 2022
2.Plan to designate 30 disability-friendly health examination institutions for two years (2018-2019);
i.Actually designate 16 sites and target achievement rate is unfortunately 53.3%, moreover 33.4% of the budget was not used in 2019.
ii.The Ministry of Health and Welfare throughout the 6th contest that no private health institution has applied.
iii.The plan is slightly extended and changed to 100 by 2024.
iv.Private medical institution said that condition to apply is very strictly applied; manpower, facilities, equipment’s, et cetera.
v.Government said that while listening to on-site opinions from PwD, related research has not been started yet.

It is very difficult for PwD to find where a medical institution equipped with facilities and accessible medical equipment is available.
•There are five disability-friendly health examination institutions currently in operating in nationwide and only one in the metropolitan area.

IV.Probably alter the plan
Moon’s administration’s disability-friendly health examination institution that is difficult to achieve, then
1.Reinforced publicity by designating health examination institutions for PwD by region;
2.Priority designation in the 17 cities and provinces utilizing public hospitals based on regional rehabilitation hospitals and local medical centers.
3.Classification of public health examination institutions for PwD and private disability-friendly health examination institutions
4.Private examination institutions provide support for examinations with specialized standards for each type of disability.

Reducing the health examination rate gap for PwD; tell us your more and better opinions.

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